PaPaYa's - Open Source Business Management ERP

Reliability is the key factor when it comes to running a Business Management ERP. Any lag or disturbance can affect your reputation. And we completely understand this responsibility from our experience in working in this field. We know every nitty-gritty detail of this respected industry.



Some Features that
make Us Proud

Looking Forward To Something Different & Unique! Here We Are With Few That Never Expected In Others.


Manager customer, add customer, customer all final info summery, advance, due all info you could see in summery.


Supplier summery of the transactions, dues, paid, add unlimited supplier, active inactive, opening balance


We developed advanced inventory system, where you could add opening balance, stock list, product movement.

Project Management

Extensive Project management system we add, multiple team and project could add unlimited.


Every Single Module You
Want That Are Available

Curiosity Is Future Of New Discover. Explore All Our Single Modules That Will Blow Your Mind!

Project Manage

Manage with multiple team,project,clients, permission based access the features.


Sales list, sales return, Payment, download invoice PDF, print, clone etc.


Add contacts, add supplier, option to login for customer and supplier, self register.


Product & Service both could add, dynamic, variant, combo and service .


Add opening balance, stock list, stock adjustment, transfer & product info.


Purchase order, Stock Alert, Purchase return to all list of the order from supplier.


List of Quotation, convert to sale invoice, clone, download the


Dynamic accounts, add expense, add income, chart of account, Bank account.


Every business need to transfer money one showroom to another showroom or branch.


Manage your Branch and Warehouse, add unlimited branch & warehouse.

Human Resource

Advance Role, Staff, Department, Attendance, event, Payroll and staff loan.


Advance leave management with role wise or individually leave entitle days.

More Features Has

Optimized Performance

One Click Update System

Clean and professional Code

Local or Cloud Installation

Multi Lingual ,Arabic siupport

Responsiive PC & Mobile

Supports Right-to-Left Arabic

Themes & Colors Styling Options

Email Notification with Templates

Supports SMS Notification

Printable Reports,pdf,csv etc

Inbuilt Backup Tool ,Files & DB

Database Backup

Activity & Email Log

Role Permission

Remote Access

Real time Reports

Printable Reports

Don't be scared to fly high

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